
How Long Should A Pool Filter Run

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How To Calculate Puddle Pump Run Time

If you have a pool, then y'all almost assuredly have a pool filter pump. But how long should you run the filter pump? Knowing that a pool pump filter system is the second highest energy consumer during the summer, (after Air conditioning units), we desire you to get the most bang for your buck.

Let's walk through a few common questions and then breakdown the calculation behind finding the ideal pool filter pump run time for your swimming puddle. We will testify y'all the standard calculation and a elementary calculation.

What does the pool filter pump exercise?

To understand how much run time you need, it's of import to know exactly what your filter pump does for your puddle. The pool filter pump is the heart of your pool filtration system. It circulates water from the pool and returns it back, distributing pool chemicals and filtering your h2o. It is recommended that you "turnover" or circulate all of your pool water through the puddle filter at least once throughout the day. This will ensure that the chemicals are evenly distributed and your h2o stays clean and clear. If you don't circulate the water, you run the gamble of algae growth and h2o balance or clarity issues. This may atomic number 82 to water that is dangerous for swimmers.

How many gallons of water are in my puddle?

Before we starting time, let's sympathize how many gallons of water are in your pool. To find your puddle's volume, utilise 1 of these easy calculations. If yous don't want to calculate the puddle book, take a quick look at the table on this helpful article: Calculating Pool Book.

Foursquare and Rectangle Pools with Single Depth:

Length x Width 10 Depth x seven.5 = Approximate Volume (Gallons)

Square and Rectangle Pools with Variable Depths:

Length 10 Width ten Average Depth 10 7.5 = Approximate Book (Gallons)

Boilerplate Depth: If the pool has a shallow end and a deep stop, add the 2 depths together and carve up by two. (Example: The shallow cease is 3' deep and the deep end is 8'. Using the Average Depth formula: (3+8)÷2=5.5' Average Depth.)

Round Pools:

3.xiv x Radius x Radius x Average Depth x vii.five = Volume (Gallons)

The Radius equals the diameter divided past 2. (Instance: A sixteen' diameter divided by 2 = 8' radius.)

Annotation: Virtually round pools have a single depth.

Oval Pools:

3.14 x Length x Width x .25 x Average Depth x vii.5 =  Approximate Volume (Gallons)

Kidney-Shaped Pool:

(A + B) ten Length 10 0.45 10 Average Depth x vii.5 = Judge Book (Gallons)

("A" and
"B" = Width at ii widest points)

Irregular Shaped or Gratuitous-Class Pools:

Longest Length 10 Widest Width 10 Average Depth 10 v.9 = Estimate Volume (Gallons)

What is the Turnover Rate?

Now that we have the pool book in gallons, we can calculate the Turnover Rate. The water flow of Menstruum Charge per unit for all pool filter pumps is measured in gallons per minute (GPM), versus gallons per hour (GPH). Here is how to become that number:

Total Pool Volume ÷ eight = GPH

GPH ÷ 60 = GPM

Permit'due south exercise some math!

At present that we have gallons per minute (GPM) and pool volume, we can calculate the run time. The math is simple. For this case, let's say you lot have a twenty,000 gallon puddle and the pool pump has a GPM rating of 40. Grab that calculator and just "sub-in" your measurements for these:

40 (GPM) Ten 60 (minutes per hr) = 2400 gallons per hour

20,000 (gallons) / 2400 (gallons per 60 minutes) = 8.3 hours

In this case, the platonic pool filter pump run time is 8.3 hours per mean solar day for 1 circulation or "turnover" of water.

A simpler adding

Here is a simple rule of thumb for operating your single-speed filter pump during the swim season when the temperatures and bather loads are high:

Run the circulation system one (1) hour for every 10°F of air temperature if a single-speed filter pump is installed.

Example: If it is 100°F, the pump should run 10 hours a twenty-four hour period minimum. Of course, if the puddle is full of algae or a major conditions event has occurred, the pump may need to run 24-hours a twenty-four hours.

Variable-Speed Pumps:

Variable-speed filter pumps should run longer, based upon the operating speed. Almost pool owners run their variable-speed pump 12 hours per twenty-four hour period (3-iv hours on high speed for the pool cleaning arrangement and 8-9 hours on depression speed for filtration). Keep in listen that  certain water features — Common salt H2o Chlorine Generators and heaters — may not operate properly or even plough on if the filter pump is running on low speed.

Any further questions?

If you have any further questions about pool pumps, we're here to aid! End by your local Leslie's shop to speak with one of our friendly puddle experts.

How Long Should A Pool Filter Run,


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