• Number of cats and dogs built-in every day in the U.South.: seventy,000 (almost three,000 built-in every hour or 50 born every minute)

• Number of stray cats and dogs living in the U.S.: 70 million

• Number of animals in the U.S. that die each year from cruelty, neglect, and exploitation: 30 million

• Number of animal shelters in the U.South.: iv,000 – 6,000

• Number of cats and dogs entering U.South. shelters each twelvemonth: six – 8 million

• Number of cats and dogs euthanized past U.Southward. shelters each year: three – 4 million (most 10,000 animals killed every day)

• Number of cats and dogs adopted by U.S. shelters each year: 3 – 4 meg

• Number of cats and dogs reclaimed past owners from U. Southward. shelters each twelvemonth: 600,000-750,000 (10% of total entering shelters – 15–30% of dogs and ii–5% of cats)

• Yearly cost to U.South. taxpayers to impound, shelter, euthanize, and dispose of homeless animals: $ii billion

• Percentage of dogs in U.S. shelters which are purebred: 25 – thirty %

• Boilerplate historic period of animals entering U.S. shelters: under eighteen months quondam

• Percentage of animals entering U.South. shelters that are good for you and adoptable: xc%

• Percentage of owned dogs that were adopted from an animal shelter: xviii%

• Percent of owned cats that were adopted from an animal shelter: 16%

• Pct of animals entering animal shelters by animal control authorities: 42.five%

• Per centum of animals entering creature shelters that were surrendered by their owners: 30%

• Percent of people who acquire animals that stop upwardly giving them away, abandoning them, or taking them to shelters: 70%

• Percentage of animals surrendered to an animal shelter that were originally adopted from an animal shelter: 20%

• Percentage of animals received by animal shelters that have been spayed or neutered: 10%



On boilerplate 25% of owned pets have not been spayed or neutered (dog owners 34%; and true cat owners 15%).

When surveyed why pet owners have non spayed or neutered their pet, their reasons included:

• Not bothered to practice it yet: 29%

• Desire to breed their animal: 16%

• Feeling that the creature was as well immature: 15%

• Affordability: 9%

• Feeling that information technology is cruel to the animal: five%

• Feeling that it is unnatural: four%

• Other: 15%

• Not certain: 7%

When surveyed where pet owners obtained their pets. The following sources were listed:

• Family unit member, friend, or neighbour: 42%

• Animal Shelter: 15%

• Breeder: fifteen%

• Found animal every bit devious: 14%

• Pet Store: 7%

• Local brute rescue grouping: 2%

• Other: 4%

• Not Sure: ane%



• Average number of litters a fertile cat can produce in i year: 3

• Boilerplate number of kittens in a feline litter: 4–half dozen

• One female cat and her offspring can theoretically produce 420,000 cats in seven years

• Boilerplate number of litters a fertile dog can produce in ane year: 2

• Average number of puppies in a canine litter: 6–10

• One female dog and her offspring can theoretically produce 67,000 dogs in 6 years

• Average toll of spaying or neutering a pet is less than the toll of raising a litter of puppies or kittens

• On average it costs U.S. taxpayers approximately $100 to capture, house, feed, and eventually euthanize every homeless animal

• Prevention is cheaper and more humane – the average price to spay or neuter is only $40 per animal

Pet owners can do their part past having their companion animals spayed or neutered. This is the single most important pace yous can take.

Have your pet sterilized so that he or she does not contribute to the pet overpopulation problem, and prefer your next pet from an animal shelter rather than buying them from a breeder or pet store.

Encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to do the same.

Figures, statistics, and surveys are from diverse sources, including, just not limited to:

•PetSmart Charities

•Humane Society of the United states of america – Pet Overpopulation Facts (1999)

•Salvage Our Strays

•Pet Savers Foundation

•Spay U.s.a.

•USA Today, June 23, 1998, pg. 1

•National Council on Pet Population Written report and Policy—Shelter Statistics Survey (1997 data)

•The State of the American Pet—A Study Amongst Pet Owners. Prepared by Yankelovich Partners for Ralston Purina, Oct 2000.

•Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1998, Volume one, Number 3, p. 213