
What Does Passing Behavior Mean At An Animal Shelter

Dr. Sara Bennett administered a behavior test to a pit bull mix named Elsey at Indianapolis Animal Care Services in May.

Credit... A J Mast for The New York Times

Bacon, a cream-colored retriever mix, took a behavior exam recently at an fauna shelter hither. He flunked.

Bounding into the evaluation room, Bacon seemed like an amiable goofball, gear up for adoption. But as he gulped downwards food, Dr. Sara Bennett, a veterinarian behaviorist, stuck a fake plastic paw attached to a pole into his basin and tugged it abroad. Instantly, Bacon lunged at the paw, chomping downwards on it hard.

Shelters take used this exercise and others for some twenty years to appraise whether a canis familiaris is prophylactic enough to be placed with a family unit. For dogs, the results tin can hateful life or death.

"If you lot failed aggression testing, you did not pass go," said Mary Martin, the new managing director of Maricopa Canton animal shelter in Phoenix, which takes in 34,000 dogs annually. Between Jan and June 2016, 536 dogs were euthanized for behavior, most because of test results.

Simply now researchers, including some developers of the tests, are concluding that they are unreliable predictors of whether a dog will be aggressive in a home. Shelters are wrestling with whether to abandon behavior testing birthday in their piece of work to match dogs with adopters and determine which may be too unsafe to exist released.

In January, Ms. Martin stopped the testing. Past late June, just 31 dogs had been euthanized for aggression, based on owner reports and staff observations.

"The tests are artificial and contrived," said Dr. Gary J. Patronek, an adjunct professor at the veterinarian medicine school at Tufts, who roiled the shelter world final summer when he published an analysis concluding that the tests take no more positive predictive value for aggression than a coin toss.

"During the almost stressful time of a dog'southward life, yous're exposing it to deliberate attempts to provoke a reaction," Dr. Patronek said. "So the domestic dog does something it wouldn't do in a family unit state of affairs. So y'all euthanize information technology?"


Credit... A J Mast for The New York Times

The argue over how dogs should be evaluated arrives as efforts to generally improve outcomes for shelter animals are on an upswing. According to the American Lodge for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, annual adoption rates have risen nearly 20 percent since 2011 — a period during which owning a "rescue canis familiaris" caused something of a righteous hipness. Euthanasia rates are down, although the A.S.P.C.A. said 670,000 dogs are put to death each yr. Some veterinary schools even offer shelter-medicine specializations.

Shelters are helped by a burgeoning network of rescue groups. They shuttle dogs from loftier-kill shelters, usually in the South and Southern California, often to foster homes and adopters in the Northeast and Northwest, where spaying and neutering campaigns take reduced puppy availability. (What Times readers had to say about the tests.)

Information technology is incommunicable to know how many euthanized dogs scored fake positives on behavior testing. Though rare, faux negatives also can occur and have proved tragic. In December, workers at Animal Care Centers of New York City saw nothing remarkable on a standard behavior test of a canis familiaris named Blue, but noted that he had been surrendered for biting a child. A rescue grouping retrieved him. Blueish somewhen wound upward in a retraining center in Virginia. On May 31, he was finally adopted; hours later on, he attacked and killed a xc-year-former woman.

Some high-volume shelters cannot afford time for evaluations, much less daily walks for dogs; others have begun de-emphasizing their significance. Even Emily Weiss, the A.S.P.C.A. researcher whose behavior assessment is one of the best-known, has stepped away from food-bowl tests, saying that 2016 enquiry showed that programs that omit them "exercise not experience an increase in bites in the shelter or in adoptive homes."

Yet, Jennifer Abrams, caput of the behavior and enrichment staff at Animal Care Centers of New York City, which sees viii,900 dogs a year, said that broken-hearted adopters needed assurances. "People desire to know what they're getting — that a dog won't bite, yell and scream at other dogs on a leash," she said.

But predicting an animal's beliefs belies the nature of dogs, Ms. Abrams said: "A dog's behavior is based on stimuli in the moment." Ms. Abrams's team conducts assessments, considering them snapshots, while gathering information throughout the animate being'southward stay.

In the surge to modernize shelters, tests were an attempt to standardize measurements of a domestic dog's beliefs. Merely evaluations often became culling tools. With overcrowding a severe problem and euthanasia the starkest solution, shelter workers saw testing as an objective way to brand heartbreaking decisions. Testing seemed to offering shelters both a shield from liability and a cloak of moral responsibility.

"We thought we had the magic bullet," said Aimee Sadler, a shelter consultant. "'Let'south allow Lassie alive and let Cujo get.' From a human perspective, what a relief."


Credit... A J Mast for The New York Times

The x- to 20-infinitesimal tests, adult by behaviorists and tweaked by practitioners, ask two basic questions: Will the dog attack humans? What about other dogs?

Evaluators may find the dog react to a large doll (a toddler surrogate); a hooded homo, shaking a cane; an unfamiliar leashed dog or a plush toy dog.

Only these tests take never been rigorously validated.

Dr. Bennett's 2012 written report of 67 pet dogs, which compared results of ii behavior tests with owners' ain reporting, establish that in the areas of aggression and fearfulness, the tests showed high percentages of false positives and false negatives. A 2015 written report of dog-on-domestic dog assailment testing showed that shelter dogs responded more aggressively to a false domestic dog than a real one.

Janis Bradley of the National Canine Enquiry Quango, co-author with Dr. Patronek of the analysis published last fall, suggested that shelters should instead devote express resources to "observing the many interactions that happen between dogs and people in the daily routine of the shelter."

But Kelley Bollen, a behaviorist and shelter consultant in Northampton, Mass., maintained that a careful evaluation can identify potentially problematic behaviors. Much depends on the assessor'due south skill, she added.

In fact, no qualifications exist for administering evaluations. Interpreting dogs, with their diverse dialects and circuitous body language — wiggling butts, lip-licking, semaphoric ears and tails — oftentimes becomes subjective.

Indianapolis Animal Care Services, which admitted 8,380 dogs to its municipal shelter in 2016, is often overcrowded and understaffed, yet faces intense scrutiny to salvage dogs while protecting the public. Final twelvemonth it euthanized 718 dogs for behavior, based on testing and employee interactions. The agency consulted Dr. Bennett, a shelter specialist, to ameliorate manage that hard residuum.

Even as she demonstrated assessments for staff members, Dr. Bennett noted another factor that renders results doubtable: the unquantifiable impact of shelter life on dogs.

Dogs thrive on routine and social interaction. The transition to a shelter can be traumatizing, with its cacophony of howls and barking, smells and isolating steel cages. A canis familiaris afflicted with kennel stress can swiftly deteriorate: spinning; pacing; jumping similar a pogo stick; drooling; and showing a loss of appetite. Information technology may charge barriers, appearing ambitious.

Conversely, some dogs shut downwardly in self-protective, submissive mode, masking what may even be aggressive behavior that only emerges in a safe setting, like a abode.

Little dogs can become more snippy. Merely no matter what evaluations may show, they always seem to get a pass. "I'll warn, 'He nips and snarls,'" recounted Laura Waddell, a seasoned trainer who does volunteer evaluations for Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City, N.J. "And I become dorsum: 'I don't care! I'm in love!'"

Ane way to reduce kennel stress, Ms. Sadler, the shelter consultant, said, is through programs like hers, Dogs Playing for Life, which matches dogs for outside playgroups. Shelter directors say it is a more revealing and humane way to evaluate behavior. The approach is used at many large shelters, including in New York City, Phoenix and Los Angeles.

The about disputed of the assessments is the food exam. Research has shown that shelter dogs who guard their nutrient bowls, as Bacon did, do not necessarily practise so at habitation.

The exercise purports to evaluate "resource guarding" — how viciously a canis familiaris will protect a possession, such equally food, toys, people. Common-sense owners wouldn't grab a dog's nutrient while it is eating. But shelters worry about children.

Dr. Bennett suggested that Bacon's seize with teeth of the faux paw didn't necessitate a callous effect. With counseling, she said, a household without youngsters would be fine.

The shelter workers dearly wanted to save Bacon. Only they were then overwhelmed that they did not take the capability to match him appropriately and counsel new owners.

And then Bacon remained at the shelter for several weeks, waiting. Finally, Linda's Camp K9, an Indiana pet-boarding business that as well rescues dogs, took him on. He settled right down and recently was adopted. Linda Candler, the manager, placed him in a dwelling without young children, teaching the owners how to feed him so he wouldn't be set up to neglect.

"His potential made him stand out," Ms. Candler said. "Bacon is amazing."


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