
How To Start Writing An Autobiography

Writing an Autobiography

If you don't know how to write an autobiography, let's learn together.

Three Main Principles of Writing an Autobiography

First and foremost, you should remember that an autobiography (that is also called a memoir) is a story about your own life. If you write the life story of another person, that is called a biography.

Writing an autobiography follow these three simple principles:

  • make it logical – choose one main idea and express it in a thesis statement to combine all memories into a meaningful whole;
  • do not be a bore – reveal some personal details and tell something that nobody but you can tell;
  • make it easy-to-read – include an introduction, main body, and conclusion; do not hesitate to use a new paragraph to develop a new idea; avoid using overcomplicated language and constructions.

Even when you use the three above-discussed principles, you might still stumble in the middle of your autobiography. Your inspiration can betray you after you start writing a memoir. But the following  questions won't let you down. This list will help you generate brilliant ideas for your autobiographies whenever you need them:

  • What famous quote can describe your life?
  • Which three adjectives can be used to describe you as a person?
  • Who influenced your personal development?
  • What are your best and worst childhood memories?
  • What is your family social and ethnic background?
  • What are your relations with parents and other relatives?
  • What are your main achievements in life?
  • What are the weaknesses that you would like to get rid of?
  • What are your goals for the future?
  • What places would you like to visit and why?
  • What skills would you like to develop and why?
  • What was the most memorable day in your life?
  • What was the most important lesson you have ever learned in your life?
  • What are the most important values in life, in your opinion?
  • Which fault would you never forgive others or yourself?

Use one of these phrases as the first sentence of your autobiography:

  1. I was born in…
  2. I was an active (or quiet, knowledge-loving, shy, curious, etc.) child.
  3. My childhood dream was…
  4. My earliest memory is…
  5. I am grateful to my parents (or teachers, friends, etc.) because…
  6. My role model was…
  7. My lifetime dream is…
  8. The most memorable day of my life was…
  9. One phrase that I will never forget is…
  10. If only one of my dreams could come true, I would wish for…
  11. My main belief in life is…
  12. I am driven by my desire/passion/wish to…
  13. The main lesson that my parents taught me was…
  14. The childhood hobby that most shaped my personality is…
  15. One event that influenced who I am today is…
  16. My motto in life is…
  17. My favorite book/movie/author is…
  18. When I was growing up, I always dreamed of becoming a…
  19. One thing I wish I knew five (or ten, twenty, etc.) years ago is that…
  20. My favorite childhood picture is…

Autobiography Example

My name is Maria Angelina Bacarella. I was born on March 7, 1995, in Tawas City, Michigan. My parents are James and Michelle Bacarella, and I have three younger siblings, Sophia, Alex, and Samuel. I attended Holy Family Catholic School in East Tawas from kindergarten until sixth grade. While there I participated in band, choir, Girl Scouts, Council of Catholic Girls, volleyball, softball, and basketball. I was on honor roll and received an academic achievement award. Attending a catholic school helped me to grow academically, in my faith, and as a person, giving me high moral standards. In seventh and eighth grade I attended Tawas Junior High. I was involved in volleyball, basketball, softball, and Club PRIDE. I was on honor roll every semester, and received the presidential academic award.

I currently attend Tawas High School.  I am involved in Iosco Pride, Spanish club, liturgical dance, youth group, Student Senate, volleyball, soccer, and National Honor Society. I currently have a 3.88 cumulative g.p.a. and am 8th in my class of 117. Though my school, I go to coop every day for two hours in the 81st District court. While there I have learned many school that pertain to a future career in law. I file papers, type bonds, and observe court. This has given me first-hand experience identifying legal documents and understanding how to proceed in court.

I have am very motivated to create the best possible future for myself, and have worked very hard to set that up. I have been on the honor roll every marking period thus far in my high school career. I received my academic and athletics varsity letters, an honors pass, the hustle award for volleyball, and an academic achievement award. Some of my strengths include being a hard worker, dedicated, self-motivated, and organized. My weaknesses are that sometimes I am overly ambitious and take on too much at once, and that I tend to expect too much of others.

I have volunteered at local nursing homes, and for local churches. My favorite volunteer experience has been helping out with vacation bible school through my church. Through this I am able to help kids grow in their faith. Through Iosco PRIDE I am able to send a positive message in a fun way. I love these because they allow me to be a positive role model for kids.  I currently work at Chick'n Dots Tiny Tots Boutique. My favorite thing about my job is that I get to work with children. I also babysit on the weekends and in the summer.

Next year, I plan to attend Michigan State University. I hope to be involved in their college of social sciences, James Madison College to gain my bachelor's degree in International relations. During college I hope to study abroad to assist in my learning other languages. After college I would like to attend Michigan State University College of law. I hope to become an international lawyer someday, working for a company like USAID. With this line of work I would be able to travel and work on projects to help people in other countries.

Now you know how to write an autobiography. Write, please!

How To Start Writing An Autobiography


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